The Problem Property Solution™

explore your options with us

We provide solutions for every problem property

Divorce, foreclosure, bankruptcy, job loss, or any form of distress or problem property…we can help!

Our goal is to help every homeowner who
contacts us with a problem property and to
provide unique buying opportunities to
those seeking to fulfill the American Dream
of home ownership. While we know we
can’t help every person we come in contact
with, our goal is to, at the bare minimum,
arm him or her with knowledge and
options that they weren’t aware of before.

Successful outcomes

The Problem Property Solution™

The Problem Property Solution is a systematic
approach to HELP people who are experiencing
real estate problems that have become financially
and emotionally draining.

preserve your options

reduce stress

restore stability to your life

Our company developed the Problem
Property Solution™ to provide knowledge and
resources to those individuals facing real
estate related financial and emotional distress
due to foreclosure, bankruptcy, divorce, job
loss, illness, and other problematic situations.
We not only provide information outside
the scope of knowledge of most lenders and
attorneys, but we also network with specialists
if we discover a property with issues beyond our
capacity, allowing us to provide a greater range
of options to assist our clients.

Let us get to know you.

That is the only way that we can truly help you. We want to know
the depth of your situation so that we may provide the best
solution to your particular problem. If we can’t help you, we are
confident that through our large network, we can point you to
someone who can. Our goal is to find the right solution for you.